Anger & Anger Management Programs

Understanding Anger

Anger is a natural emotion that arises when we feel wronged or unfairly treated. It can serve as a healthy outlet for expressing negative feelings and even spur us toward problem-solving. However, when anger becomes overwhelming, it can lead to detrimental effects on both our physical and mental well-being. The surge in blood pressure and other physical responses to heightened anger can impede clear thinking and have long-term impacts on our health.

Recognizing the Signs & Symptoms of Excessive Anger

Excessive anger is characterized by intense, prolonged, or inappropriate displays of anger that may disrupt personal relationships, daily functioning, and overall well-being.

The signs and symptoms of excessive anger may include:

  • Frequent Outbursts

  • Intense Physical Reaction

  • Difficulty Controlling Anger

  • Verbal Aggression

  • Physical Aggression

  • Chronic Resentment

  • Irritability and Hostility

  • Isolation

  • Substance Abuse

  • Rumination

  • Difficulty Forgiving

  • Impact on Relationships

  • Legal Issues

  • Physical Health Issues

Anger Management Treatment Programs

Anger management, within the realm of psychology, is a structured intervention designed to help individuals understand, manage, and express their anger in healthy and constructive ways. These programs are typically facilitated by mental health professionals, such as therapists or counsellors, who specialize in anger management.

The goals of an anger management program may include:

  • Awareness

  • Communication Skills

  • Cognitive Restructuring

  • Stress Management

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Relaxation Techniques

  • Problem-Solving Skills

  • Emotional Regulation

  • Empathy and Perspective-Taking

  • Preventing Future Incidents

While anger management concerns can often be addressed in therapy with one of our highly trained and experienced clinicians, a more structured anger management program is required for some clients. Our anger management program consists of 8-12 weeks of individual anger management counselling designed to address fundamental problems in affect regulation, communication styles, conflict resolution, emotional expression, self-soothing techniques, appropriate assertiveness training, and non-aggressive behavioural change. A letter of completion can be produced upon concluding the 8-12 week program if required.

*Please note that clients involved in legal matters and require treatment for this purpose must indicate this from the outset of treatment.

Treatment objectives and essential skill sets achieved in anger management programs may include:

  • Increased ability to verbally communicate, mediate, and resolve interpersonal problems

  • Increased affect regulation and appropriate emotional expression

  • Cognitive restructuring that promotes healthy affect regulation, decision-making, problem-solving skills, and behavioural change

  • Increased frustration tolerance

  • Decreased impulsivity and behavioural acting-out

  • Increased capacity for conflict resolution

Seeking Help & Treatment for Anger

Guidance from Professionals

If someone is struggling with excessive anger, seeking support from mental health professionals, such as therapists or anger management specialists, can be crucial in developing healthier coping strategies and managing anger in a more constructive way.

Mills | Gosse Psychology - Therapy for Anger Management in Durham Region by a Psychologist.

Are you or someone you know in need of treatment for Anger? Mills | Gosse Psychology is here to help.